Sunday, 14 January 2018

Day One in Yerevan, Armenia

My eyelids are heavy, but my suitcase is finally light. After two ~three hour red-eye flights, I arrived to Zvartnots International Airport to learn that my suitcase was still in Moscow. Fortunately, they delivered it to my flatmate & host Narek's flat during dinner (we had some delicious leftover lentil soup and chicken). Today I spent a lot of time unpacking and was happily surprised to meet several of Narek's pals. Friends played on Netflix in the background basically all day, which made for a perfect, cosy, lazy Sunday.

It's been a long time since I blogged, but the plan is to stay up-to-date for the duration of this trip!

Oh, some folks have asked for some context!
I start my externship with Teach For Armenia tomorrow. An externship is an opportunity offered to Teach First high performing employees; it will give me the time to exchange knowledge, skills, and ideas within the Teach For All network. It also gives me the opportunity to tackle educational inequality in another part of the world. I'll know heaps more about my project when I start so will share more about that later!

If I've done it right, this should be a video of the view from my two-month home in central Yerevan!

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